Dialog with title "
Selected option 1 out of three; the top radio button; "Recover to out-of-box-state (System Recovery Options are included"
Hit "Next" through two more dialogs and the restoration proceeded.
I'll post the outcome after it comes to pass...
I think that it is time to spend the dough on a Mac Book Pro. I never thought I'd see the day. Actually the Averatec 3200 that I bought 4 years ago is perfect other than the battery is shot ($100 to replace) and kinda need a little more power for what I do. But, the old Averatec is far and wide tops over the new Toshiba A215-S7422 with 4 GB of RAM and Windows Vista. I'm not completely sure if it is mostly the Toshiba hardware that is crap or the operating system by Microsoft. I know for sure that the OS sucks, but was hoping that SP1 would bring improvements. I can't tell you how much time and money that the failure of this system to perform it's intended purpose has caused me. Instead of getting work done and getting paid, I've had to spend countless hours, debugging, backing up, restoring, rebuilding, trying different operating systems, using VMware virtualization to run XP on top of the system so that my apps and drivers for existing hardware and software would work, researching, logging, calling and talking with tech support, sacrificing sleep, and repeating all of that three or four times since I purchased the system at the end of December 2007. It's so sad that this is what modern technology has come to. TERRIBLE!! Yes, perhaps it is time for a Mac.
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