Friday, May 9, 2008

Error 0x80070456 - PREINST3.SWM - Vista Recovery Error

Ok, here's the scoop on this new error. (This is absurd!!)

... only about 15 minutes into the recovery, while it was copying files, a dialog titled "Copy File" appeared revealing the next in the series of errors. Below is the content of the message in the dialog:

"An unexpected error is preventing the operation. Make a note of this error code, which might be useful if you get additional help to resolve this problem:

error 0x80070456: The media in the drive may have changed.

Type: SWM File
Size: 638 MB
Date Modified 8/23/2007 10:31 AM"

buttons available to select are: "Try Again" "Skip" "Cancel"

Now, perhaps I chuck the piece of junk into the woods behind my house! But, I selected "Try Again".

It continued through the copy portion and then failed in the recovery portion at about 30-40% completion; Error: 10-FC12-0017\ "Recovery Error" was generated again.

I guess I could try installing Ubuntu or Kubuntu again; or just give up and call Toshiba support.

I'll post an update if I find out anything.

If you have additional information that may help me get through this problem, please let m eknow by posting a comment.

Thanks, Hyrum

Vista recovery - third set- third rep

Ok, I wonder if this is futile. I'll give it another shot. This time after the red and black warning screen I selected option 1, the top radio button titled "Recovery of Factory Default Software" "Recover to out-of-box state"


Dialog with title ""

Selected option 1 out of three; the top radio button; "Recover to out-of-box-state (System Recovery Options are included"

Hit "Next" through two more dialogs and the restoration proceeded.

I'll post the outcome after it comes to pass...

I think that it is time to spend the dough on a Mac Book Pro. I never thought I'd see the day. Actually the Averatec 3200 that I bought 4 years ago is perfect other than the battery is shot ($100 to replace) and kinda need a little more power for what I do. But, the old Averatec is far and wide tops over the new Toshiba A215-S7422 with 4 GB of RAM and Windows Vista. I'm not completely sure if it is mostly the Toshiba hardware that is crap or the operating system by Microsoft. I know for sure that the OS sucks, but was hoping that SP1 would bring improvements. I can't tell you how much time and money that the failure of this system to perform it's intended purpose has caused me. Instead of getting work done and getting paid, I've had to spend countless hours, debugging, backing up, restoring, rebuilding, trying different operating systems, using VMware virtualization to run XP on top of the system so that my apps and drivers for existing hardware and software would work, researching, logging, calling and talking with tech support, sacrificing sleep, and repeating all of that three or four times since I purchased the system at the end of December 2007. It's so sad that this is what modern technology has come to. TERRIBLE!! Yes, perhaps it is time for a Mac.

ERROR: 20-FFFE-0017

Well, I did a memory check that returned no problems. Then, I selected to delete all data and partitions. This is apparently the longest way to reformat the hard drive.

The option is the second one, at the bottom of the dialog that appears after the black and red warning screen. "Erase the hard disk." "Delete all data and partitions from your hard drive."

I'm not exactly sure what all it does, but it took 10 hours to complete on s hard drive that is 150 GB in size. I kicked it off before I went to sleep for the night and it was about 48% done when I left for work in the morning. It never completed because a "data deletion" error occurred. My son saw the error on the screen of the laptop sitting on my desk around 3 PM, while I was at the office. See below for details about the error. I guess I'll try again.

Dialog title = "Toshiba Recovery Wizard"

An error has occurred.
ERROR: 20-FFFE-0017
Data deletion error.
Please press [OK] to turn off the computer.

Thursday, May 8, 2008

ERROR: 10-FC12-0017 - Recovery

My Toshiba A215-S7422 notebook computer has been so sluggish lately; at times it just is non-responsive for no apparent reason for 10-20 minutes. I decided to backup my data and rebuild the system with the recovery media. During the process, I had an error dialog pop-up with a prompt to continue, try again, or cancel; my cat Sammy walked on the key board and she must have hit "continue", because the process continued. Anyway, I was unable to capture the error number and message. After I was prompted to load the second disk, the recovery process continued for about 20 minutes, and then I got another error dialog with the following details:

(Using my trusty Averatec 3200 12" WinXP laptop to type this)

Dialog title = "Toshiba Recovery Wizard"

An error has occurred.
ERROR: 10-FC12-0017
Recovery error.
Please press [OK] to turn off the computer.

I'm going to hit OK and try again... more later.

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Internet Explorer - Vista - Error c000009c

Internet Explorer - Vista - Error c000009cInternet Explorer 7 hasn't been working for awhile on my A215-S7422 Toshiba notebook. I'm not sure what caused it. I tried to install the beta version of 8, but that didn't work. I tried to uninstall Internet Explorer, but it doesn't show up in the "Programs and Features" in Control Panel.

Problem signature:
Problem Event Name: InPageError
Error Status Code: c000009c
Faulting Media Type: 00000003
OS Version: 6.0.6001.
Locale ID: 1033
Additional Information 1: fd00
Additional Information 2: ea6f5fe8924aaa756324d57f87834160
Additional Information 3: fd00
Additional Information 4: ea6f5fe8924aaa756324d57f87834160